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Patch - Alien Arena 2007 : Alien Arena 2007

  • PC
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Changes between 6.02 and 6.03

1. Addition of custom resolution sizes in order to support widescreen monitors -
simply set the screen size to "custom" (it's just below 640x480) and then fill in your width and height in the boxes.
2. Fixed 64 bit linux errors.
3. Added graphical arrows in the server browser.
4. Re-wrote portions of the in-game server browser to be vastly more efficient.
5. Fixed bug in Galaxy in which sockets were not being closed if browser was forcibly quit. Over time could cause problems.
6. New menu logo and fonts for main menu.
7. New character, the "Rustbot".
8. New Martian jumping sounds!
9. Servers no longer crash when in dm mode and running a ctf map - this means you can now use ctf maps for dm!
10. Cleaned up more code.
11. Three new maps - dm-dynamo, dm-chasmatic, dm-omega

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: aa2k7-update20070121-x86.zip
Dateigrösse: 31 MB

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