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Patch - Harpoon 3: Advanced Naval Warfare : Über 50 Fehler mit neuem Hotfix behoben

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The new update includes over 50 fixes and several additions and tweaks to overall gameplay.

Full changelog:

- 0002711: [GE] Altitude/depth not properly calculated
- 0002703: [GE] Units jammed after ECM source is dead
- 0002693: [GE] Aircraft logistics now properly calculated for individual member units of groups
- 0002686: [GE] Torpedoes that could not operate (determined by propulsion) at persicope depth (-20m) would self destruct
- 0002690: [GE] Subsurface propulsion altitude bands screwed up
- 0002642: [GE] Group Speed reduced to less than 5kts
- 0002678: [GE] Assigned units and plane records in limbo state with missing mission
- 0002661: [GE] Ready times not propagated when plane records split twice
- 0002638: [GE] Groups speed reduction (the second number in the X+X displayed) was based on user requested value
- 0002651: [GE] Torpedos self destruct in shallow water
- 0002652: [GE] Torpedoes ignore cruise depth
- 0002658: [GE] Weapons could resolve attack without being at a near altitude
- 0002659: [GE] Launch AC dialog would overcount available munitions
- 0002636: [GE] Airgroups propulsion is not updated on altitude change
- 0002635: [GE] Airgroup speed can not match member unit speeds when set by the user beyond craft capability
- 0002634: [GE] Incorrect loadout selection when finding a best fit
- 0002626: [GE] Weapons allocated will sometimes not release against plane targets
- 0002625: [GE] Ordering two tankers to refuel each other leads to a dead lock
- 0002633: [GE] Gun Mounts fail to reload
- 0002619: [Simulation] Previously destroyed weapons still being shot and counted as kills
- 0002296: [Simulation] Request that Flagship be automatically determined or selected by user based on Comm Capability.
- 0002631: [Simulation] Incorrect combat resolution - Capable vs. Sea Skimmer gun systems.
- 0002654: [Damage Model] Units indestructible before saving scenario
- 0002705: [UI] Crash while trying to draw an odd polygon
- 0002702: [UI] Contact Report window would describe ECM rackets as Fire Control
- 0002691: [UI] Scenario file name now retained for Save As... dialog.
- 0002647: [UI] Critical damage no longer visible in the Unit Status Report window
- 0002656: [UI] Multiple Edit Aircraft Windows Opened
- 0002650: [UI] Crash in altitude/speed dialog
- 0002624: [UI] Unassign key 'u' will now unassign UnRep and ATA Refueling tasks
- 0002698: [Mission] Patrol missions wandering out of their patrol zone (Optional)
- 0002663: [Mission] It is no longer possible to add "red" side reference point to "blue" side mission
- 0002669: [Mission] Subs on patrol and strike missions will no longer break EmCon to prosecute contact
- 0002649: [Mission] ViCond triggers in SP but not MP
- 0002653: [Mission] Protect ViCond from older saves may not evaluate properly
- 0002655: [Mission] Hangars assigned to missions may not launch their planes
- 0002637: [Mission] Ferry missions require more space than necessary at the destination
- 0002598: [Mission] Intercept missions are created in weapons tight status when using the air intercept dialog
- 0002679: [MultiPlayer] Crash when loading battlesets with descriptions beyond the limit
- 0002660: [MultiPlayer] Unable to pause game

- 0002607: [Database & Scenarios] Loadouts in AC Manager not being updated
- 0000149: On-Station ViCond non-functional
- 0000109: Full speed wrong. All member craft can go faster than group top speed. ANWDB error.
- 0000160: Total loss of unit control
- 0000136: CTD while drawing new map - (Ilias Sellountos)

- 0002616: [GE] Adding gun attack resolution logging
- 0002630: [GE] Timestamp added to AA Log entries
- 0002715: [GE] Bomb range calculations are now optional (and not default)
- 0002641: [UI] Mass delete of units and reference points
- 0001966: [UI] Lighting Conditions added to Status Window
- 0002673: [UI] Difficulty and aircraft logistic settings are now displayed on session start
- 0002665: [UI] Added EmCon status for weapons in report and unit status
- 0002716: [Mission] Mission Option: Rebuild scenarios from before 3.7 with weapons free for all mission
- 0002713: [Mission] Agressive missions options for transit and patrol
- 0002708: [Mission] Default pursuit radius option now available for Harpoon3.ini
- 0002699: [Mission] Strikes now able to close on targets with uncertainty zones
- 0002694: [Mission] Optionally, Strike missions will now allow redundant strikes on targets
- 0002680: [Mission] User will now be able to unassign landed aircraft with inadequate runways available
- 0002676: [Simulation] Mission craft will sometimes prosecute a contact after it is long gone
- 0002672: [MultiPlayer] Aircraft logistics is now configurable in MP on a per Session basis

- 0002657: [GE] Unarmed units will now be attacked
- 0002692: [UI] File->Save will now automatically save the scenario to the last file name given
- 0002668: [UI] Change hotkey to toggle GIS graphics from 'M' to 'Alt-M'
- 0002667: [UI] Changed the hotkey to toggle map window scale display from 'S' to 'Alt-S'
- 0002697: [Mission] Recon mission craft investigating platform types not designated by the mission (Optional)
- 0002644: [Mission] Nav zones for patrol mission overridden on user edits
- 0002701: [Damage Model] Facilities are now destroyed immediately when dealt 100% damage.
- 0002681: [ScenEdit] Batch Rebuild events now logged in AALog

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: Harpoon3ANW-HotfixRelease-v394.exe
Dateigrösse: 6 MB

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