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Patch - Star Ruler : Nächstes umfangreiches Update erhältlich

  • PC
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[Fixed] Taking over planets from AIs would sometimes prevent the planet from importing a particular resource.
[Fixed] Deleting a savegame deleted the wrong entry in the list.
[Fixed] Opening the options menu twice at the same time from the escape menu would crash the game.
[Fixed] Attractors did not function.
[Fixed] Dry Docks building other orbiting objects now no longer teleport some of those to close orbit around the sun.
[Fixed] You couldn't access a mod's effects in the particle editor.
[Fixed] Loading a game for multiplayer would allow clients to join the empire the host was controlling.
[Fixed] Effector data mismatch error could occur when loading saves with accented characters in blueprint names.
[Fixed] Jump Drives would sometimes retain orders in their previous system after jumping, causing them to fly back.
[Fixed] AIs would propose treaties involving goods and luxuries to empires with the "Eusocial Society" trait.
[Changed] AIs in the tutorial will no longer declare war on the player themselves.
[Changed] Updated French community translation. Thanks Mikey5887!
[Changed] Planet conditions are now tinted green or red according to whether they are beneficial or harmful.
[Changed] System rings are now off by default (replaced by the new information on the system plane).
[Changed] The system plane is now colorized to the color of the dominant empire in that system.
[Changed] The total available slots on a planet can now be seen after a system is explored, even if you no longer have vision.
[Changed] Using the right click menu to build ships now builds those ships on all selected planets or dry docks.
[Changed] Explicitly ordering tools to fire now works when the ship is on 'Hold Fire' stance.
[Changed] Boarding Parties can be explicitly fired from the right click menu, letting you set 'Hold Fire' and board without destroying the other ship.
[Changed] The Directed Spatial Manipulator no longer fires independently, but must be ordered from the right click menu to prevent wasting shots on insignificant targets.
[Changed] Updated Polish community translation. Thanks maxi!
[Balance] Halve all planetary damage reduction.
[Balance] Halve population reproduction rates.
[Balance] Halve population reproduction rates again when the planet is under attack.
[Balance] Decreased hull absorption rates to 30%/50%/70% for Light/Medium/Heavy hull respectively.
[Balance] Buff boarding defense.
[Added] Players can now toggle planets to allow or disallow importing or exporting resources.
[Added] Detonating the quasar now creates a chain reaction that causes most of the stars in the galaxy to be destroyed over time.
[Added] Added option to keep the mouse cursor in the window.
[Added] Added compatibility option for Intel Integrated GPUs.
[Added] The system planes now display bars/pips around the edge representing the military strength of empires in that system.
[Added] When hovering over a system or star you no longer have vision over, the time since you last had intel is displayed.
[Added] Research automation checkbox: when turned on, automatically research the lowest level tech when you're not researching something else.
[Added] Right-clicking a star or system now also shows a "Build Ships on All..." option.

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: SR_v1.0.8.0-v1.0.8.2.exe
Dateigrösse: 6 MB

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