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Patch - Star Ruler : Umfangreicher neuer Patch erhältlich

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[Fixed] Fixed floating point errors in cargo and ship bay spaces.
[Fixed] Fixed a floating point error when deciding if a ship is disabled.
[Fixed] Artillery was using the wrong effector.
[Fixed] Some blueprints for the AIs were broken at early tech levels.
[Fixed] Linked Subsystem glows now only show for sub systems that are actually linked.
[Fixed] 'Metal Mandate' was acting like 'Metal Focus.'
[Fixed] Missile racks weren't taking their clip size into account when predicting damage output, causing too many missile racks to target the same object.
[Fixed] Fighter hulls and stealth systems would aid in dodging Flak and Shield Bomb damage.
[Fixed] Ships actually take directional damage now!
[Fixed] Fixed a crash in multiplayer related to objects being destroyed.
[Fixed] Defend and Work orders on stationary objects will no longer give attack/use tool orders to objects that are too far away.
[Fixed] Further improved the movement system, in particular when chasing fast objects.
[Fixed] Changed power generation to reduce the likelihood of a ship shutting down at high tick rates.
[Fixed] The default Fighter design wasn't very good at its job.
[Fixed] Fighters automatically launched from carriers would not return to their carrier after attacking.
[Fixed] Fixed a crash (PVFC) related to fleet icons.
[Fixed] The repair bay is now properly classified as Support in sub system lists.
[Fixed] AIs now perform many tasks at a time based on how many are present to be performed. Fixes the AIs getting 'stuck' late game. (Thanks Foraven)
[Fixed] Many repair beams should spread out amongst different targets better.
[Fixed] Effects on ships (e.g. damage events) weren't being saved.
[Fixed] Carriers could try to dock into themselves by ordering the fleet they were in to dock in them.
[Fixed] You may now click on the name of a constructed ship in the message to select/zoom to that ship.
[Fixed] Fixed ship port logic; should now trade resources more effectively.
[Fixed] Resolutions larger than your largest monitor (in either dimension) will no longer be listed, and your native resolution will be listed if it is not.
[Fixed] AIs were managing their fleets in very poor ways, causing them to be scattered across the galaxy.
[Fixed] Fixed comet tails and attack glow effects on some video cards.
[Fixed] Fixed removing cargo storages causing significant problems.
[Fixed] Sub system and ship explosions no longer play if you can't see the system.
[Fixed] Some values for spin boxes would cause a crash.
[Fixed] AIs considered Pirates and Remnants as warring opponents, making the AIs far less likely to wage war.
[Fixed] Dragging some windows would be very laggy (e.g. race customization).
[Changed] Planets that are under attack will experience rapid moral loss.
[Changed] 'Auto' governor now uses more economic worlds in the first 10 minutes of the game.
[Changed] Reduced galaxy gas density for dumbbell galaxies.
[Changed] Space Port now uses a split level: Trade rate comes from Economics, storage size comes from Cargo.
[Changed] In the right-click menu, "Use Tool...Tool" is now "Use Tool".
[Changed] In the right-click menu, tools can have a special "Use" name, like "Colonize Planet".
[Changed] Further reduced space damage.
[Changed] Flak will now only automatically attack when things get within 80% of its max range, to avoid only hitting a few targets when a large mass of units is approaching.
[Changed] Links in the in-game IRC window can now be clicked.
[Changed] Diplomacy cannot be conducted with empires before meeting one of their ships or planets. Can be disabled by toggling "Start in Full Contact" from the new game menu.
[Changed] Homeworld starts with 2 less farms, and instead starts with a space port and ship yard.
[Changed] Changed how fighter hull dodging works to make it easier for fighters to hit each other, and so a fast moving attacker doesn't suffer from its own speed.
[Changed] Changed base designs to be generally better, especially with regards to recent changes.
[Changed] Crew Quarters regenerate 1% of the crew per second.
[Changed] Planets without enough food will lose no more than 10% of their people per second.
[Changed] Running out of food now reduces mood of a planet, at worst at the same rate as lacking goods.
[Changed] Docked ships are now repaired by the carrier's repair bays and crew if the carrier is at full health.
[Changed] System Searches (used by the AI) are now batched. This significantly improves performance with many AIs, or many ships controlled by the AI.
[Changed] Updated the Aggressor AI (Thanks Superking).
[Changed] Deadend research links refund 10% of their cost to the tech, and repeated links (unlocking an already unlocked tech) refunds 20% of the cost of the link to the unlocked tech.
[Changed] Optimized engine flares.
[Changed] Effects can have up to 6 values.
[Changed] Economic structures now produce partial output when there are not enough workers to run all structures. This prevents a planet from dying off due to the single space port shutting down, for example.
[Changed] Revamped the blueprint import window for easier import of multiple designs and to add a delete button for designs in the profile.
[Changed] Star Ruler now keeps saves, mods, screenshots, etc. in "My Documents/My Games/Star Ruler". Files in the previous folder will be moved to the new folder when you launch Star Ruler.
[Changed] "Indebted" race trait now takes 50% of all resources exported to the bank for the first 20 minutes.
[Balance] Repair tool repair rate reduced by 50%.
[Balance] Bussard Ramjet no longer takes up double the apparent size, and has increased thrust output (still much lower than thrusters).
[Balance] Significantly increased the range and average damage of flak.
[Balance] Bulkheads no longer get hit before other sub systems.
[Balance] Bulkheads on armor now provide a third less bonus hitpoints than on regular systems.
[Balance] Flak cannot be fitted on fighter hulls, and must be a minimum size of 1 (scale 1 on a scale 1).
[Balance] Boarding Parties now require power and air.
[Balance] Doubled labor cost of structures.
[Balance] Tripled labor cost of planet cannons, lasers, and shields (in addition to the previous increase).
[Balance] Reduced starting population of colonies - 1M/structure down from 6M
[Balance] Spamming minimum-size colony ships should no longer be effective, at all.
[Balance] "Fast Metabolism" trait now awards 1 point.
[Balance] "Natural Green Thumb" trait now grants 2 levels of biology (down from 5)
[Balance] Slightly increased goods generation.
[Balance] Upgrading structures multiple levels will now be significantly more expensive, but upgrading 1 level will be unchanged.
[Added] Added a new version of the Civil Acts window to make total effects much more obvious.
[Added] Costs of ships, ship systems, and structures are now displayed in their hover boxes.
[Added] The subsystem damage window in the bottom right now has a "Layout" mode that displays the blueprint with damaged systems in red.
[Added] Empire stats (e.g. Galactic Bank resources) now have rate-tracking to provide income, expenses, and demands at regular intervals.
[Added] Added setStat/subStat functions to scripts to complement addStat, as well ass addDemand to alter the new demand component of stat tracking.
[Added] The "makeShip" function now returns the id the constructed ship will eventually have. Useful to the AIs for tracking their build orders.
[Added] Added "Balanced Start" option to maps. Forces players to start in systems with 3 or 4 planets, avoiding systems with too few or too many planets.
[Added] Added support for multiple loading screen backgrounds. Default is Images/loading_background.png, and additional backgrounds are named loading_background1.png, loading_background2.png, etc.
[Added] The Layout View Mode of the Blueprint Window now displays which subsystems are affecting whichever stat you mouse over.
[Added] All global stats in the Blueprint Window now display tooltips that inform the player what each stat is used for when the player hovers over them.
[Added] A default strike craft blueprint can be assigned for carriers in the blueprints window.
[Added] Option in the blueprints window to build carriers filled with a full strike craft complement.
[Added] Option in the blueprints window to let carriers automatically order nearby planets to build new strike craft if they lose any.
[Added] Automation orders given to new ships can be edited on a per-blueprint basis in the blueprints window.
[Added] Ship defend range: can be set between current system only (default), local area (x AU) and entire galaxy. Ships will move to other systems you can see enemies in within their defend range.
[Added] ExtTexts can now use <tag:param> syntax by putting #html# at the beginning. To further aide readability, tags may have a '/' character at the beginning (e.g. <col:red>Red Text</col> White Text)
[Added] Added new game options to limit maximum ship count, and minimum and maximum ship scale.
[Removed] Removed unused earthbump.jpg and sunmap.jpg.
[Removed] Removed TemplateArg support for script functions, as it didn't work anyway.
[Removed] Removed "Currency-free Economy" trait as it does not work with the new economy.

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Dateiname: SR_v1.0.5.4-v1.0.6.0.exe
Dateigrösse: 10 MB

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