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Patch - Strike Fighters 2 : Entwickler legen nächsten Patch nach

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May 2009

* Brings the game up to the same code level as Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam.

* The installer updates DirectX correctly now.

* Screenshot format can now be selected by editing Options.INI, supported formats are: BMP, JPG and PNG.

* ECM pods are added to default loadout for later model F-4s.

* F-4D (67)'s RWR not displaying correctly is fixed.

* F-4E's radar now have additional range setting of 5 nm.

* Squadron pilots roster screen not showing the number of missions flown is fixed.

* New updated cockpit model for F-100D is included.

* F-100D is separated into two sub-versions, original (56) and (64)versions. Original 1956 version lacks centerline pylon and other armament options.

This patch is for stand-alone Strike Fighters 2 install only.

If you have Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam merged with Strike Fighters 2, do not apply this patch, apply the Strike Fighters 2 Vietnam patch instead.

If you have installed any mods to the game, please check the list of updated files to see any data files you've extracted have been changed. You must manually delete and/or updated these files, or the patched game may not run correctly.

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: SF2V_update_May2009.exe
Dateigrösse: 52 MB

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