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News - Star Wars: Battlefront II : Patch 0.2 sorgt für neue Probleme

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DICE hat Patch 0.2 für Star Wars: Battlefront II veröffentlicht. Dieser merzt diverse Bugs aus und bringt einige Änderungen im Multiplayer mit sich. Allerdings haben sich auch neue Fehler eingeschlichen.

Aktuell steht Star Wars: Battlefront II vor allem wegen seiner Lootboxen und Mikrotransaktionen in den Schlagzeilen. Neben diesem Streitthema muss aber natürlich auch der Alltag in der Sternen-Saga weitergehen. So hat der Entwickler DICE den Patch 0.2 veröffentlicht, der einige Bugs behebt und Änderungen am Multiplayer vornimmt. Allerdings gibt es damit auch neue Probleme.

Der Patch passt etwa die Spawn-Zeit im Strike-Modus an. Statt wie bisher 10 Sekunden müsst ihr nach einem Tod nur noch 5 Sekunden warten, bevor ihr wieder ins Geschehen eingreifen könnt. Zudem wurde die Spawn-Position auf der Map Tatooine angepasst. Allerdings tauchen auf Reddit vermehrt Beschwerden von Spielern auf, die seit der Installation von Patch 0.2 massive Probleme haben.

Zum einen scheinen bei einigen Spielern die Sternenkarten und die Credit-Belohnungen am Ende einer Partie zu fehlen. Außerdem gibt es wohl Probleme mit der Erkennung des Fortschritts: Einige Spieler berichten, dass Star Wars: Battlefront II in der Lobby nicht registriert, ob und was der Spieler bereits freigeschaltet hat. Das ist so, als würdet ihr gerade zum ersten Mal ein Multiplayer-Match starten – ihr besitzt keine Sternenkarten und keine Helden.

Hier die Patchnotes im englischen Original:


  • Reduced the spawn wave timer on Strike from 10 to 5 seconds.
  • Tweaked spawn positions on Tatooine.
  • Fixed an issue where the players would sometimes not be able to deploy as the AT-AT.
  • Fixed an issue where Rey's lightsaber would sometimes disappear.
  • Fixed an issue where joining a game after getting a friend invite would trigger the incorrect camera view.
  • Fixed an issue where footprint marks would sometimes leave strange lines on the ground when walking.
  • Fixed an issue in Starfighter Assault where killstreaks would not calculate correctly.
  • Fixed an issue where weapon VFX went out of sync when quickly transitioning between 1st and 3rd person camera.
  • Fixed an issue where the NT-242 would cause too much damage against the AAT.
  • Fixed an issue where controller input would be lost intermittently in the UI.
  • Fixed an issue where the charge would float in mid-air on certain objectives in Strike.
  • Fixed an issue in single player where some objectives did not trigger as intended, causing players to get stuck on certain objectives.
  • Fixed an issue where Kylo Ren's appearance reverts to the default version after he has been eliminated.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented player to deploy in the AT-RT during the first phase of Galactic Assault on Hoth.
  • Fixed an issue where the HUD would not update correctly on Strike.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the environment on Jakku while playing Strike.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would sometimes get stuck in the loading screen while loading the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where players could interact with game mode objectives from greater distances than intended.
  • Fixed an issue where certain HUD element were visible when in ADS while playing campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where players would get progress toward Bossk specific milestones when playing as Han Solo.
  • Fixed an issue where the TL-50 alternate fire loses functionality until fired again when swapping back and forth between weapons during the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where players could get stuck in the pause menus when reloading checkpoints in the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue where the AAT would sometimes spawn beneath the MTT in Galactic Assault, rendering it unable to move.
  • Fixed an issue where the game would freeze if players attempt to pause the game at certain zone transitions.
  • Fixed several graphical and texture issues that would occur during the campaign.
  • Fixed an issue that would cause texture flickering on Multi-GPU configurations.

User Interface & HUD

  • Fixed an issue where text would overlap in the Crate opening screen.
  • Fixed an issue where text would overlap in the Star Cards Trait description screen.
  • Fixed an issue where text would have bad line breaks in the account sign-up flows.
  • Fixed an issue where card names are cut off incorrectly in the Equip & Craft screens.
  • Fixed an issue where certain Hero names overflows in the Character select screen in Heroes vs Villains.
  • Fixed an issue where several ability names have bad line breaks in the Collection screen.
  • Fixed an issue where switching between screens would sometimes cause problems with the UI.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Social Hub system to behave incorrectly if a players account had more than 100 friends.
  • Fixed an issue where Weapons & Star Cards equipped on Iden from the Character screen does not reflect in-game.
  • Fixed an issue where some Star Cards would be available without their required Star Level being achieved.
  • Fixed an issue where progress is not tracked correctly in the UI for certain milestones.
  • Fixed several typos or incorrect information displayed in the Trooper Milestones.
  • Fixed several issues where localized text did not appear correctly in certain screens.
  • Fixed several issues where text would have spelling errors for certain languages.
  • Updated art for certain Star Cards.


  • Fixed an issue where the player's saved data would be erased if starting the game with no controllers connected.
  • Fixed several clipping issues that would occur during the campaign.
  • General stability and performance improvements.
  • Fixed several collisions issues.

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