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Patch - Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos : Blizzard legt nach

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Blizzard Entertainment hat bezüglich Warcraft 3: Reign of Chaos nachgelegt und einen frischen Patch veröffentlicht.

World Editor Changes

  • Increased max map file size from 4 MB to 8 MB.
  • Added the ability to store hashtable handles in a hashtable.
  • Added GetSpellTargetX and GetSpellTargetY natives.
  • Added a new base handle type "Agent" of which many types now extend from.
  • Added a SaveAgentHandle native which can be used for saving most handle types.
  • Added a JASS optimization dealing with global variable change events.


  • Fixed a few false positives caused by the "return bug" fix.
  • Fixed a crash related to hashtable reference counting.
  • "Shadowing" global variables with local variables no longer is possible.
  • Fixed a type conversion dealing with operators (i.e. adding a handle with an integer).
Dateiname: War3ROC_124b_124c_Deutsch.exe
Dateigröße: 809 KB

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