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Patch - Drox Operative : Das Beta-Update für PC in dieser Woche

  • PC
Von  |  | Kommentieren
  • player can now pay for a temporary ceasefire with races that are at war with the Drox Operatives
  • fixed some potential crashes when client fails to connect to a server
  • missile defense now fires automatically
  • made ballistics straight, increased the touch distance a little, and increased the damage by 50%
  • tractor beams now disable movement for a second on victim and will auto target (Bluddy)
  • repulsor beams now disable movement for a second on victim and will auto target (Bluddy)
  • fixed Pulsar Generator and other radiation damage not damaging planets and devices (Evan)

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Informationen zum Download:

Dateiname: droxpatch0932.exe
Dateigrösse: 4 MB

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