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Patch - Star Ruler : Deutsche Übersetzung hinzugefügt

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[Fixed] Constructions were building at 50% per second when out of a resource, rather than 5%. Should fix the "stuck at 97%/99%" issue for some things.
[Fixed] Ships' auto-targeting (not defend order) was checking the galaxy's objects, rather than the local system.
[Fixed] The AI was not developing its homeworld, putting it at a massive disadvantage early on.
[Fixed] The Balanced World had an incorrect setting for cities, which caused problems with the economy.
[Fixed] Pinned objects were broken when loaded from a save.
[Fixed] Jump Drives work.
[Fixed] The camera no longer removes objects from the view in small galaxies.
[Fixed] Pre-damage Order was not being loaded correctly, causing hulls to be hit before armor at times.
[Fixed] Docked objects weren't being saved. Saves from older games will properly show 0 ship storage used.
[Fixed] BuildPerN and BuildN (when n was larger than 1) were not working.
[Fixed] A minor check against cheating caused AI worlds to not develop, putting them at an unbelievable disadvantage. Prepare yourselves.
[Changed] Updated French translation (has text for this version).
[Changed] Updated German translation (has text for this version).
[Changed] When selecting a governor from the right-click menu, automatically turn the governor on too.
[Changed] System Ring color/image is better managed now. (Coloration should match the true 'owner' better)
[Changed] Moved empire bank display to the left of the screen, between the research ticker and the pinned object list.
[Changed] Jump Drive range has been rebalanced. Larger ships, and larger jump drives, will have longer range.
[Changed] Improved starting effectiveness of the Targeting Sensors. Fixed their extreme modification factor for large sensors on a tiny gun.
[Added] Added button under empire bank display to toggle between displaying stored resources and income rates.
[Added] Added German translation thanks to the community.
[Added] Added basic Fleets window. (Unstable and unfinished. Press 'U' to access)
[Added] Integrated Planet and Research window upgrades from the UI Mod (Thanks Sajuukhar)
[Added] The bottom-right selection box now shows how many objects are selected in total at the bottom too.
[Added] Added an "AI Cheats" option. Cheating AIs generate resources from nothing, and can see all systems at all times.
[Added] Movement lines are now displayed when ships in motion are hovered over.
[Added] When multiple ships are selected, use tab to cycle the primary target between them (subselection). The primary target will display its movement line and will have its info shown in the object info panel.
[Added] Added default governor type for new planets setting to empire window.
[Added] Added Italian translation.
[Removed] Removed some unused data in objects that should reduce memory usage.

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Dateiname: SR_v1.0.0.6-v1.0.0.8.exe
Dateigrösse: 708 KB

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